You guys! Today is #MetsMonday again, where those of us in the metster community go berserk with the social media and the hashtagging to try to convince the world to do something about our stupid disease. It’s the brainchild of the genius Beth Fairchild, a fellow metster and gifted tattoo artist. (Do you live in North Carolna and need a tattoo? Check out her shop!)
The theme for this MetsMonday is “If there is one thing you could tell people about metastatic breast cancer, what would it be?” For me, it’s this: there are too many awesome women living with, and dying of, this disease. Too many. So many, in fact, that I was going to put together a list of blogs by other metsters, so you can check out what they have to say, but Nancy, of Nancy’s Point, already has an awesome list.
So instead, I’m going to make a request: that you share this post on social media, with the hashtag #dontignorestageiv, and help us spread the word that there are too many of living with, and dying of, metastatic breast cancer. Because, maybe if people knew that a woman dies of metastatic breast cancer in America every 14 minutes, they’d do something to help us.